Monday, March, 28, 2016

Arnold Air Society and Silver Wings, 69th National Conclave, Dallas TX

Arnold Air Society is composed of 2800 Air Force ROTC and United States Air Force Academy Cadets, and Silver Wings is composed of over 700 college students. 69th National Conclave will be held at the Dallas Sheraton from Saturday 26 March through Monday 28 March.
 The National Conclave is scheduled from 26-28 March 2016 at the Sheraton Dallas, located at 400 N Olive St, Dallas, TX  PHONE: (214) 922-8000 We anticipate between 800 and 1000 attendees with the primary audience being Air Force ROTC Cadets, Air Force Academy Cadets, and affiliated college age civilians interested in supporting the United States Military, the Air Force, and service to our Nation.
  • Speaking date and time is Monday 28 March at 1100 as part of our Distinguished Speaker Series.