How Al-Shabaab picks its targets By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst updated 8:40 AM EDT, Sun September 22, 2013 Kenyan paramilitary police officers patrol the area near the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, where hostages are being held for the second day on Sunday, September 22. Gunmen burst into the mall and opened fire in […]
Tackling the military’s insider threat By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst updated 4:14 PM EDT, Thu September 19, 2013 A police officer runs near the scene of the shooting rampage at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday, September 16. Authorities said at least 12 people — and the suspect — were killed in the shooting. […]
Jihadist terrorism in America since 9/11 By Peter Bergen and David Sterman, Special to CNN updated 7:54 AM EDT, Tue September 10, 2013 The bombings in Boston on Monday, April 15, 2013, serve as a cruel reminder that the U.S. has seen other terror attacks on home soil.See all photography related to the Boston bombings. STORY HIGHLIGHTS Authors: Since […]
Obama llegó para acabar con las guerras, no para iniciarlas El presidente de EU ha mostrado una faceta pragmática pero valiente al involucrar al Congreso en la decisión sobre intervenir o no en Siria Por Peter Bergen, analista de Seguridad Nacional de CNN Miércoles, 04 de septiembre de 2013 a las 10:18 Email Obama acertó al […]
OPINIÓN: EU está entre la espada y la pared por Siria, problema ‘infernal’ El gobierno estadounidense se enfrenta al difícil reto de buscar una justificación y el respaldo internacional para intervenir en Siria Por Peter Bergen Martes, 27 de agosto de 2013 a las 14:45 0 LinkedIn 207 Compartir Email La violencia en Siria mantiene […]
Syria plunging Mideast into sectarian war? By Peter Bergen and Jennifer Rowland updated 1:22 PM EDT, Wed September 4, 2013 Children run past tents at a Syrian refugee camp in Yayladagi, Turkey, on Tuesday, September 3. The U.N. refugee agency said that the number of Syrians who have fled their war-ravaged country has risen to […]
Obama on war: A realist and risk taker By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst updated 8:06 PM EDT, Mon September 2, 2013 STORY HIGHLIGHTS Peter Bergen: Obama’s hope had been to end wars in Middle East By sending issue to Congress, Obama seeks to make war harder to launch, Bergen says Bergen: Obama lacked […]
Al Qaeda’s potent force in Syria By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst updated 6:28 AM EDT, Fri August 30, 2013 Turkish fighters with an al Qaeda-linked group hold positions in April in the Syrian village of Aziza outside Aleppo. STORY HIGHLIGHTS Peter Bergen: U.S. may be reluctant on Syria due to role of al […]
Präsentiert von Drucken FOCUS Magazin | Nr. 33 (2013) Politik Aus bin Ladens Schatten Montag, 12.08.2013, 00:00 · von Peter Bergen dpa Alarmstufe Rot: Aiman al-Zawahiri (hier 2004 bei einem Auftritt im arabischen Sender al-Dschasira) rief sein Terrornetzwerk zu Attacken auf. Die USA schlossen daraufhin zahlreiche Botschaften. Wie mächtig ist der neue Fürst des […]
For U.S., Syria is truly a problem from hell By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst updated 8:53 AM EDT, Tue August 27, 2013 STORY HIGHLIGHTS Samantha Power’s Pulitzer-Prize winning study found U.S. very slow to fight evil regimes Peter Bergen: Her work is a perfect description of U.S. dithering on the Syria crisis U.S. […]