
The FBI released photos and video of two men identified as Suspect 1 and Suspect 2 in the deadly bombings at the Boston Marathon. They have been identified as Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26. See all photography related to the Boston bombings.   STORY HIGHLIGHTS Peter Bergen: Many unresolved questions about how or […]

Ricin: Almost never deadly By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst, and Jennifer Rowland, Special to CNN updated 8:06 AM EDT, Fri April 19, 2013 CNN Explains: Ricin STORY HIGHLIGHTS Since 9/11 terror attacks, eight have been arrested for attempted ricin attacks Peter Bergen: Only two people succeeded in producing or obtaining ricin Ricin needs […]

09:06 AM ET Siete preguntas sobre los terroristas de Boston Nota del editor: Peter Bergen es analista de seguridad nacional de CNN, autor de “Manhunt: The Ten-Year Buscar bin Laden – Del 9/11 al Abbottabad” y director de la New America Foundation. Jennifer Rowland es asociada en la New America Foundation. Washington (CNN) – Todavía […]

Al Qaeda, Iran … and Canada plot? By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst updated 11:35 AM EDT, Tue April 23, 2013 Watch this video Police: Suspects had al Qaeda support STORY HIGHLIGHTS Two men in Canada accused of terror plot aided by al Qaeda elements in Iran, police say Peter Bergen says case highlights […]

  Why terrorist bombings have been rare in U.S. in past decade By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst, and Jennifer Rowland, Special to CNN updated 12:12 PM EDT, Tue April 16, 2013 An injured man is loaded into an ambulance on Monday, April 15, after two bombs went off near the finish line of […]

  Syria rebel group’s dangerous tie to al Qaeda By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst, and Jennifer Rowland, Special to CNN updated 11:49 AM EDT, Wed April 10, 2013 Peter Bergen says the most effective fighting force against the Syrian regime is now allying itself with al Qaeda. STORY HIGHLIGHTS Peter Bergen: The announcement […]

10:06 PM ET ¿Quién mató en realidad a Osama bin Laden en Pakistán? Por Peter Bergen, CNN Nota del editor: Peter Bergen es analista de seguridad nacional de CNN, el autor de‘Manhunt: The Ten-Year Search for bin Laden-From 9/11 to Abbottabad’, y director de la New America Foundation. (CNN) – En febrero, la revista Esquire […]

  Book review: ‘The Way of the Knife: The CIA, a Secret Army, and a War at the Ends of the Earth’ By Mark Mazzetti By Peter Bergen, Published: April 5   On May 1, 2011, CIA Director Leon Panetta was in command of the single most important U.S. military operation since the attacks of Sept. […]

Growing threat of extreme right-wing violence By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst, and Jennifer Rowland, Special to CNN updated 9:02 PM EDT, Thu April 4, 2013 STORY HIGHLIGHTS Authors: Last five years have seen more indicted in extremist violence They say the threats have grown from domestic sources, particularly the right wing Jihadist groups […]

Wednesday, Mar 27, 2013 Who really killed bin Laden?

Who really killed bin Laden? By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst updated 8:01 AM EDT, Wed March 27, 2013 Osama bin Laden was killed by a team of U.S. SEALS on May 2, 2011, at a compound near Abbottabad, Pakistan. Click through to see images of the compound where he spent the last days […]