Five myths about Osama bin Laden By Peter Bergen, Published: May 6 Few individuals in recent history have exerted greater influence on world events than Osama bin Laden — and even fewer have inspired as much mythology. From the origins of the al-Qaeda terrorist network to the devastation of Sept. 11, 2001, to […]
Bin Laden’s poisonous ideology began to wither on 9/11 By Peter Bergen May 8, 2011 — Updated 0125 GMT (0925 HKT) Despite his reputation for shyness and diffidence, Osama bin Laden ran al-Qaeda as a dictatorship, Peter Bergen says. STORY HIGHLIGHTS Bush had predicted al-Qaeda’s destiny in "history’s unmarked grave of discarded lies" Some in […]
Condoleezza Rice, the former US secretary of state, said last week that the death of Osama Bin Laden, while important, does not mean the end of the terrorist threat: “Al-Qaeda is still out there. There’s a No 2, Zawahiri, who is out there, I’m certain, plotting.” Ayman al-Zawahiri is a dour Egyptian surgeon in his […]
FEATURE PRINT | TEXT SIZE | EMAIL | SINGLE PAGE Remembering Tim Hetherington The gentleman behind the lens. BY PETER BERGEN | APRIL 20, 2011 The first words that were used to describe Tim Hetherington by almost anybody who knew him were "humble" and "modest." Yet, Tim was a guy of great […]
‘Three Cups of Tea’: Served with a grain of salt? By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst April 18, 2011 — Updated 0109 GMT (0909 HKT) 60 Minutes (CNN) — Greg Mortenson, the high-profile advocate of girls’ education in Afghanistan and Pakistan, has been forced to defend his best-selling book "Three Cups of Tea: One […]
Pakistan wants to cut CIA drone strikes, personnel By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst April 13, 2011 — Updated 0233 GMT (1033 HKT) More than 100 U.S. drone strikes happened in Pakistan last year, according to the New America Foundation. STORY HIGHLIGHTS New rules for drone campaign in Pakistan desired Few of those killed […]
Between America And Al Qaeda by Peter L Bergen REVIEW: THE LONGEST WAR: THE ENDURING CONFLICT BETWEEN AMERICA AND AL QAEDA BY PETER L BER MISTAKE: US troops failed to capture Bin Laden in Afghanistan Sunday January 30,2011 By Frank Trentmann Have your say(0) WE ARE nearing the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and the […]
In Dubious Battle by Allen Wilcox Peter L. Bergen The Longest War: The Enduring Conflict Between America and Al Qaeda (Free Press 2011) Let us not mince words: if there is one element of Republican governance that truly does trickle down, it is its pernicious incompetence. Although the Grand Old Party’s wrongheaded judgment, intellectual myopia, […]
Libya: Is the West playing into al-Qaeda’s hands? Islamists have had a marginal role in these revolutions – but that could be changing, writes Peter Bergen. Libyan rebel fighters with their weapons on the road in Bin Jawad Photo: Sipa Press / Rex Features By Peter Bergen 8:51AM BST 31 Mar 2011 151 Comments […]
Réagir [Avec «BoOks»] Bush contre Ben Laden: zéro partout Revenant sur dix années de «guerre contre la terreur», un journaliste américain, spécialiste d’al-Qaida, révèle dans un livre d’enquête à quel point les deux camps ont cumulé les bévues. A lire dans le numéro de «BoOks» en kiosque le jeudi 31 mars Mots-clés : Oussama Ben […]