Ken Ballen, Terror Free Tomorrow Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Expert Controversy over the Bush Administration’s policy to detain “enemy combatants” at the military’s Guantanamo Bay prison has raged since the facility first opened in 2002. The controversy has been fueled primarily by the lack of legal protections afforded the detainees and allegations of their […]
updated 3:09 p.m. EST, Wed January 21, 2009 Commentary: How to get out of Iraq carefully STORY HIGHLIGHTS Peter Bergen: Obama needs to take steps to make sure Iraq stays stable As U.S. withdraws troops, it needs to jumpstart the economy, Bergen says He says U.S. should restrain the Kurds and Israelis from destabilizing moves […]
The new 22-minute tape posted Wednesday on a radical Islamist Web site is the first one from Osama bin Laden in nine months. On it, the al Qaeda leader urges Muslims to wage jihad against Israel because of its offensive in Gaz
WASHINGTON (CNN) — In the war against al Qaeda and its allies, Barack Obama should adopt five key principles when he takes office.
First, the United States must lower the temperature in the Muslim world to help win back the “swing voters” in the Islamic world who turned against America and provide passive support to al Qaeda.
and his foreign policy advisers and speechwriters are wrestling with one of the most important speeches of his presidency, his inaugural address. One of their toughest conceptual challenges is how to describe and recast what the Bush administration has consistently termed the “war on terror.” The dean of military strategists, Carl von Clausewitz, explains the importance of this decision-making in his treatise “On War”: “The first, the supreme, the most decisive act of judgment that the statesman and commander have to make is to establish…the kind of war on which they are embarking; neither mistaking it for, nor trying to turn it into something that is alien to its nature.”
(CNN)— The Mumbai attacks remind the world that the intertwined problems of Pakistan, India and Afghanistan will be the most extreme foreign policy challenge that President Obama will face as he assumes office.
Commentary: How U.S. should respond to Mumbai attacks Story Highlights Peter Bergen: Investigators are focusing on a Pakistani terror group He says Lashkar-e-Tayyiba draws on wider support than many terrorist groups Bergen: Aim of Obama administration should be resolving Kashmir dispute He says Hillary Clinton has mulled idea of sending special envoy to region By […]
Editor’s note: Peter Bergen is CNN’s national security analyst and a fellow at the New America Foundation in Washington and at New York University’s Center on Law and Security. His most recent book is “The Osama bin Laden I Know: An Oral History of al Qaeda’s Leader.” (CNN) — If the audio message purportedly from al Qaeda’s deputy leader is authentic, we have finally heard from a representative of the terror organization about the American election.
CNN National Security Analyst
Editor’s note: Peter Bergen is CNN’s national security analyst. His most recent book is “The Osama bin Laden I Know: An Oral History of al Qaeda’s Leader.” This is one in a series of “letters to the new president” that will appear as commentaries on in coming weeks. This commentary is based, in part, on an paper Bergen wrote for the New America Foundation, where he is a senior fellow, and an article he wrote for The New Republic in September, “A Man, A Plan, Afghanistan.”