Next Event: Wednesday Oct. 14 10 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Covid-19 as a ‘Hinge Event’ and the Implications for the U.S. Security
ASU Council for Arabic and Islamic Studies Annual Lecture Series featuring
Professor Peter L. Bergen and Professor Daniel Rothenberg
Professor Souad T. Ali, CAIS Founding Chair, Moderator
The pandemic is forcing us to rethink and update our understanding of national security. COVID-19 has profoundly interfered with the life of our nation and we must treat it as one of the most significant threats to our national security in decades. Well over 200,000 people have died from the coronavirus, as millions of jobs have been lost and entire industries devastated. Indeed, the coronavirus crisis is shaping up to be “hinge event” in American History, like the Great Depression or 9/11. It is reshaping the world, politically, globally, socially and economically and it is also revealing major structural weaknesses in American society and undermining already fraying trust in the capacity of the US government to respond effectively to core security challenges. In this event, ASU faculty Peter L. Bergen and Daniel Rothenberg discuss how COVID-19 requires radical new perspectives on national and global security which can only be effectively addressed through innovation, a new “language” of security and a shift from a defense model to one of resilience.
Co-Sponsored by the Center on the Future of War
The top Trump adviser who chose not to write a tell-all book
Opinion by Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst
“Peter Bergen is CNN’s national security analyst, a vice president at New America and a professor of practice at Arizona State University. He is the editor of the Coronavirus Daily Brief and author of the new book “Trump and His Generals: The Cost of Chaos.” The opinions expressed here are his own. Read more opinion at CNN.”
(CNN)Retired Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, who was President Trump’s national security adviser from February 2017 to April 2018, has written a book that will likely confound both the President’s fans and his critics.
In the preface to “Battlegrounds,” McMaster acknowledges that despite the advice of friends, editors, agents and even family members, he chose not to write a paean to Trump “as an unconventional leader who … advanced American interests,” nor did he write a takedown depicting the President as “a bigoted narcissist unfit for office,” despite the fact that writing either of these types of books “might be lucrative.”
So, for those hoping for a tell-all book along the lines of John Bolton’s “The Room Where it Happened,” which was written by McMaster’s successor as national security adviser and that oozed contempt for Trump, “Battlegrounds” will disappoint.
Nor is McMaster’s book a full-throated defense of Trump’s record, such as the 2019 book, “The Case for Trump” by the historian Victor Davis Hanson — a colleague of McMaster’s at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution — which attempted to make the best case for the President.
But in the long run, McMaster’s book will likely have a far longer shelf life than the tell-all books about Trump or the books that laud the President because McMaster ably outlines the national security challenges facing the United States that will last long after Trump leaves office.
As McMaster explains, “I wanted to write a book that might help transcend the vitriol of partisan political discourse and help readers better understand the most significant challenges to security, freedom and prosperity.”
By implication, McMaster’s book advances the view that when it comes to US foreign policy, “politics stops at the water’s edge,” as the then-chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sen. Arthur Vandenberg, famously observed at the beginning of the Cold War in 1947.
This view is not surprising when you consider that McMaster never voted during the three and half decades that he served under six presidents, a fact that he reveals early on in “Battlegrounds.”
The book operates on several levels: It’s a lively memoir of McMaster’s time in office, and a scholarly, engaging history and deep analysis of the wide range of national security threats that face the United States and its allies.
However, there are areas of clear disagreement between McMaster and Trump over American national security policy that McMaster’s book also articulates.
An early tell about how McMaster sees the world is his book’s subtitle: “The Fight To Defend the Free World.” It signals that “Battlegrounds” will not be a jingoistic apologia for ‘America First,’ but rather the book assumes that Afghans liberated from the Taliban and Iraqis freed from the yoke of Saddam Hussein are as much part of the effort to defend the free world as Americans are. The framing of “the free world” also seems to differ from President Trump, whose fawning admiration for authoritarian leaders from Russia’s Vladimir Putin to North Korea’s Kim Jong Un is well known.
In “Battlegrounds” there is no score-settling, which has been a feature of so many of the books about the Trump White House. Despite their somewhat rocky relationship, McMaster doesn’t even mention Trump’s former Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis once in his 545-page book about US national security. Nor does McMaster mention Steve Bannon, who was Trump’s chief strategist for seven months when McMaster was national security adviser, despite the fact that they both clashed repeatedly about the best way forward in Afghanistan.
The key big idea in “Battlegrounds” is that Americans are often guilty of “strategic narcissism” and that they should invest in greater “strategic empathy.” Empathy of course, is not a synonym for sympathy; it is simply trying to put yourself in someone else’s shoes — whether they are an ally or an enemy — in order to understand their points of view, even if you might profoundly disagree with them. (McMaster’s former boss, of course, is not someone who engages in much “strategic empathy,” and “America First” seems like the height of “strategic narcissism.”)
An important example of US strategic narcissism was the erroneous lesson many Americans derived from the first Gulf War after Saddam Huseein seized Kuwait in 1990 and the Iraqi army — the fourth largest in the world at the time — was subsequently easily defeated by the US military.
Indeed, then-Capt. McMaster led a tank battle during the Gulf War that lasted only 23 minutes, in which his force destroyed an astonishing 28 Iraqi tanks, 16 personnel carriers and more than 30 trucks.
McMaster writes that the easy victory against Saddam led many Americans to presume that “military competition was over,” given the US technological overmatch of any likely opponent.
This led to the overconfidence that underpinned the botched 2003 invasion of Iraq, which, at least initially, was an easy victory against Saddam’s conventional army. But soon Iraqi insurgents started deploying unconventional tactics such as suicide attacks and improvised explosive devices that bogged down the US military in Iraq for years.
The United States subsequently overlearned from the failures of the Iraq War and swung back to what McMaster describes as a policy of “resignation” under President Barack Obama, who didn’t appreciate “the risks of inaction” when it came to not enforcing his own “red line” against the Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad’s use of chemical weapons against his own people in 2013. This policy also led the Obama administration to pull out of Iraq at the end of 2011, which helped pave the way for the subsequent rise of ISIS.
In other words, in US foreign policy, strategic narcissism can lead both to sins of commission and omission.
Just as the swift victory over Saddam in the first Gulf War produced American strategic narcissism, so too did the contemporaneous collapse of the Soviet Union, which some presumed meant history had “ended” and that the self-evident benefits of liberal democracy, embodied in the United States, would ensure that liberal democracies would become the preferred mode of governance everywhere.
This, too, was an illusion. As McMaster notes, in fact, “autocracy was making a comeback.” It was underlined by the election in 2000 of a hitherto obscure former KGB officer as Russian president — Vladimir Putin (who has recently pushed through constitutional changes so he can continue ruling Russia until 2036).
McMaster doesn’t share Trump’s admiration for Putin. McMaster, who is fond of alliteration when it comes to describing enemy tactics, says that Putin uses “disinformation, denial, dependence and disruptive technologies” in order to reclaim Russia’s “lost honor” after the collapse of the once-mighty Soviet Union.
In particular, Putin seems to want to drive a wedge between the United States and NATO. Trump appears to be playing along with Putin’s strategy with his regular attacks on NATO, his denigration of key allies such as Canada and Germany, and his cozying up to Putin, none of which makes any strategic sense.
McMaster makes the good point that Trump is far from the only American president who thought they could do business with Putin. George W. Bush famously looked into Putin’s soul as if he were some kind of kindred spirit. Hillary Clinton, when she was Obama’s secretary of state, pursued a “reset” with Russia.
But this was all before Putin set out to subvert the bedrock American principle of free and fair elections, according to the intelligence community. McMaster ignores Trumpian orthodoxy when he notes that “Russian disinformation showed a clear preference for Trump” during the 2016 US presidential election.
It is China, not Russia, that McMaster says presents the “larger, more complicated threat to the United States,” a conclusion that will not surprise anyone familiar with Trump’s 2017 national security strategy, written by McMaster and his national security team.
That strategy document made the case that the Chinese steal US intellectual property every year valued at “hundreds of billions of dollars” and are “building the most capable and well-funded military in the world, after our own,” and warned that Chinese “land reclamation projects and militarization of the South China Seas flouts international law, threatens the free flow of trade, and undermines stability.”
McMaster alliteratively asserts that China pursues a strategy of “co-option, coercion and concealment” as it seeks to collapse “the free, open, and rules-based order that the United States and its allies established after World War II.”
The ruling Communist Party, he contends, is using the Chinese telecom giant Huawei to “control global communications infrastructure and the data it carries” in particular for 5G networks and it “surpassed Cisco as the world’s most valuable telecommunications company after it stole the latter’s source code.” In August, the Trump administration barred Huawei all access to US technology. Huawei has repeatedly denied that it enables Chinese spying.
Interestingly, given the Trump administration’s stance on immigration, McMaster suggests that a useful response to Chinese authoritarianism is to expose more Chinese to living in a free society and to actually increase immigration from China into the US, “issuing more visas and providing paths to citizenship for more Chinese, especially those of who have been oppressed at home.”
The Longest War
McMaster spent two years in Afghanistan running an anti-corruption task force and he has pronounced, well-informed views about what to do about America’s longest war. (Disclosure: Before the publication of “Battlegrounds” McMaster asked me to comment on a draft of the chapter about Afghanistan and I offered some minor observations.)
McMaster characterizes US officials involved in negotiations with the Taliban under both presidents Obama and Trump as exhibiting an “extreme case of strategic narcissism based in wishful thinking and a false premise that the Taliban was disconnected from terrorist organizations and open to a power-sharing agreement consistent with the Afghan Constitution.”
Amen to that. US officials negotiate with the Taliban as if they are just a bunch of misunderstood backwoodsmen and a de facto government-in-waiting and so they have to gloss over some important facts, such as the Taliban’s dismal record on women’s rights and human rights in general and their hosting of al-Qaeda when they were actually in power before 9/11.
McMaster points out that this wishful thinking persists despite the fact that the leader of al Qaeda, Ayman al Zawahiri, pledged allegiance to Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansour, the leader of the Taliban in 2015 once it became clear that the original leader of the Taliban, Mullah Omar, had died two years earlier.
Similarly, documents found in bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, after he was killed by US Navy SEALs in 2011, underline that bin Laden and other al Qaeda leaders continued to be in touch with leaders of the Taliban, including Mullah Omar almost a decade after 9/11.
Also, as McMaster documents, Afghanistan has moved on from the Taliban era in myriad ways. In 2001 there were fewer than one million children in Afghan schools. while the UN estimates that as of 2017 there were almost 10 million children in schools. Where once there had only been the Taliban-controlled Radio Shariat, there are now many hundreds of TV, radio channels and print outlets around the country.
When McMaster was Trump’s national security adviser, he was able to persuade Trump that a long-term public commitment to Afghanistan and the addition of 4,000 US troops, a relatively small number, to the around 10,000 troops already in Afghanistan, would help to secure American interests there.
McMaster would expend much political capital advocating for this Afghan policy, which the President intensely disliked. A White House staffer told me for my book “Trump and His Generals” that McMaster “got shot in the face for articulating views that other people also held but were not articulating.”
Departure from Trump orbit
McMaster’s departure from the White House was sealed when he spoke at the Munich Security Conference in February 2018. McMaster told the Munich audience that the recent indictment in the United States of 13 Russian officials for meddling in the 2016 presidential election showed it was “now incontrovertible” that Russia had interfered in it.
Trump quickly tweeted, “General McMaster forgot to say that the results of the 2016 election were not impacted or changed by the Russians and that the only Collusion was between Russia and Crooked H, the DNC and the Dems. Remember the Dirty Dossier, Uranium, Speeches, Emails and the Podesta Company!”
Once Trump started publicly contradicting his top aides, they were generally toast. McMaster had wanted to stay on as national security adviser until August 2018, but it was now clear that this wasn’t going to happen. On the lovely, sunny afternoon of April 6, 2018, McMaster was “clapped out” of the White House by hundreds of cheering staffers. This was a far from routine send-off for senior Trump officials who had been pushed out, many of whom had simply slunk away without any celebration of their service.
Once McMaster left the White House, the Afghan policy was reversed. Trump is planning to draw down US troop levels to as low as 4,000 in Afghanistan by Election Day in the US. Meanwhile, the Trump administration has continued negotiating a “deal with the Taliban for the purpose of withdrawing from America’s longest war,” which McMaster says is likely to have a “far worse” outcome “than a sustained commitment” to Afghanistan.
Isolationists and internationalists have long debated America’s proper role in the world ever since President John Quincy Adams famously declared “America … goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy.” McMaster makes a convincing and comprehensive case for continued US engagement with the world underlined by the emergence of the novel coronavirus in 2020 which he says requires “international cooperation on health.”
Trump never seemed to really warm to McMaster, who had spent his entire adult life in public service since entering West Point aged 17, unlike Trump who had famously avoided military service during Vietnam and until he had become president had held no public office. McMaster was also a war hero in both the Gulf War and the Iraq War and is too modest to mention in his own memoir that he earned a Silver Star for bravery and was wounded in action.
Along the way, McMaster also earned a PhD in history which became the basis for his bestselling book “Dereliction of Duty,” one of the most influential studies of the US military’s conduct of the Vietnam War. McMaster’s erudition and scholarship are evident in “Battlegrounds,” which comes with more than 75 pages of notes and selected bibliography.
In “Trump and His Generals” I reported that Bannon had warned McMaster before he took the job as national security adviser, “Whatever you do don’t be professorial. Trump is a game-day player. Trump is a guy who never went to class. Never got the syllabus. Never bought a book. Never took a note. He basically comes in the night before the final exams after partying all night, puts on a pot of coffee, takes your notes, memorizes what he’s got to memorize. Walks in at eight o’clock in the morning and gets whatever grade he needs. That’s the reason he doesn’t like professors. He doesn’t like being lectured to.”
McMaster largely ignored this advice. He didn’t go to Mar-a-Lago regularly with the President, which meant that he had less face time with Trump than those who did go. Where other senior officials put a premium on presidential face time, McMaster put a premium on making sure that he had closely vetted the papers that were circulated to other cabinet members and their staffs. He was a grind while those who connected with Trump were generally schmoozers.
McMaster is, in short, a lot of things President Trump is not. But in “Battlegrounds,” he highlights only his policy disagreements with the President and never any kind of personal animus. It’s a stance that Trump must find hard to get his head around since for Trump politics and policy are always personal, as is everything else.
Future Security Forum, online New America/Arizona State
About the Event
New America and Arizona State University invite you to join an online Future Security Forum, focused on reimagining national security in the age of COVID-19. Top policymakers, practitioners from government, the private sector, and academia will convene a four-day virtual forum to analyze and debate the most pressing global security issues of the 21st century.
Future Security Forum is one of the signature events of the Future of War project—a New America and Arizona State University partnership analyzing emerging global threats, new technological applications, and the changing nature of warfare in an increasingly interconnected world.
Future Security Forum 2020—Four-Day Virtual Program
September 21 – 12:10-3:00pm ET
How can more diverse views make us more secure?
Preparedness, resilience, and global energy security during the pandemic
Reinventing national security post-COVID-19
COVID-19 and implications for the defense industrial base
September 22 – 1:00-3:15pm ET
How do we combat disinformation in the age of the coronavirus?
Burn-In: A Novel of the Real Robotic Revolution
As the coronavirus spreads, what are the implications for the U.S. and the world?
September 23 – 12:30-2:05pm ET
Strategy in the era of coronavirus
So you think you can improve U.S. security? New voices on new policy ideas
How does Chinese espionage work?
U.S.-China relations post COVID-19: Is conflict inevitable?
September 24 – 12:30-3:00pm ET
Why the pandemic has exposed the weakness of the West, and how to fix it
Political violence in the United States: What does the data show?
Far-right terrorism in the age of COVID-19
Deradicalization: Lessons from the field
How is proxy warfare reshaping the world?
Additional information, including agenda times and speakers, can be found below.
Susie Adams
Chief Technology Officer, Microsoft Federal Sales
Javed Ali
Policymaker in Residence, Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan
Brigadier General Richard E. Angle
Deputy Commanding General, Joint Special Operations Command
Peter Bergen
Vice President, Global Studies & Fellows, New America; Co-Director, Center on the Future of War; Professor of Practice, ASU
Nadya T. Bliss, PhD
Executive Director, Global Security Initiative, Arizona State University; Senior Fellow, New America
Mia Bloom, PhD
Fellow, International Security, New America; Professor of Communication and Middle East Studies, Georgia State University
Sharon Burke
Director, Resource Security Program, New America; Senior Advisor, Future of War Project
Erin Cauchi
Investigative Journalist
Carol V. Evans, PhD
Director, Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College
Michèle Flournoy
Managing Partner, WestExec Advisors; former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Muhammad Fraser-Rahim, PhD
Executive Director, North America, Quilliam International
Sir Lawrence Freedman
Emeritus Professor of War Studies, King’s College London and Author of The Future of War: A History
Helene Gayle, MD
President & CEO, Chicago Community Trust; Chair, New America; Member, Cmte. on Equitable Allocation of Vaccine, NASEM
Tressa Guenov
Principal, Policy and Strategic Engagement, Lockheed Martin
Lisa Guernsey
Director, Teaching, Learning, and Tech Program, New America
Heather Hurlburt
Director, New Models of Policy Change, New America
Mara Hvistendahl
Author, The Scientist and the Spy: A True Story of China, the FBI, and Industrial Espionage
Ambassador Bonnie Jenkins
Founder and President of the Women of Color Advancing Peace, Security and Conflict Transformation
Nicola Johnson
Vice President, Government Affairs and Strategic Communications, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.
Mohammed Khalid
Information Systems, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Dori Koren
Captain, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
Daniela Lamas, MD
National Fellow, New America; Pulmonary and Critical Care Doctor, Brigham & Women’s Hospital; Faculty, Harvard Medical School
Kimberlyn Leary
Senior Vice President, Urban Institute, former Advisor to White House Council on Women
John Micklethwait
Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg
James O’Brien
Senior Vice President, University Affairs and Chief of Staff to President, Arizona State University
Michael T. Osterholm, PhD
Director, Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, University of Minnesota
C. Anthony Pfaff, PhD
Research Professor, Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College
George Poste, DVM, PhD
Del E. Webb Professor of Health Innovation and Chief Scientist, Complex Adaptive Systems Initiative, Arizona State University
Vidhya Ramalingam
Founder, Moonshot CVE
Arto Räty
Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs & Communications, Fortum
Candace Rondeaux
Professor of Practice, Arizona State University; Senior Fellow, Center on the Future of War
Daniel Rothenberg, PhD
Co-Director, Center on the Future of War; Professor of Practice, ASU; Senior Fellow, New America
Samm Sacks
Cybersecurity Policy and China Digital Economy Fellow, New America
Melissa Salyk-Virk
Senior Policy Analyst, International Security Program, New America
Randall G. Schriver
Former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs
Erin Simpson, PhD
Director, Strategic Planning, Corporate Analysis and Technology Center, Northrop Grumman
Peter W. Singer, PhD
Strategist & Senior Fellow, New America
Anne-Marie Slaughter, DPhil
CEO, New America
Colonel Frank Stanco
Chief of Staff of the Army Senior Fellow, New America
Alexandra Stark, PhD
Senior Researcher, Political Reform Program, New America
David Sterman
Senior Policy Analyst, International Security Program, New America
Samuel Visner
Director, National Cybersecurity FFRDC, MITRE Corporation; Former Chief of Signal Intelligence Programs, NSA
General Joseph L. Votel
Former Commander, U.S. Central Command; President and CEO, Business Executives for National Security
Frederic Wehrey, PhD
Senior Fellow, Middle East Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Col. Isaiah (Ike) Wilson III, PhD
Director, Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College
Adrian Wooldridge
Political Editor, The Economist
12:10PM – 03:00PM
Day One – Sept. 21
12:10PM – 12:15PM
(Sept. 21) Welcome Remarks
Anne-Marie Slaughter, DPhil
CEO, New America
12:15PM – 01:00PM
(Sept. 21) How Can More Diverse Views Make Us More Secure?
Ambassador Bonnie Jenkins
Founder and President of the Women of Color Advancing Peace, Security and Conflict Transformation
Kimberlyn Leary
Senior Vice President, Urban Institute, former Advisor to White House Council on Women, Fellow, International Security Program, New America; Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School and Faculty Affiliate at Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School
Col. (ret) Isaiah (Ike) Wilson III, PhD
President, Joint Special Operations University; Fellow, International Security Program, New America
Moderated by: Anne-Marie Slaughter, DPhil
CEO, New America
01:00PM – 01:30PM
(Sept. 21) Preparedness, Resilience, and Global Energy Security During the Pandemic
Arto Räty
Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs & Communications, Fortum; Former Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Defence of Finland; Former Director of National Defence Policy Unit
Sharon Burke
Senior Advisor, International Security and Resource Security, New America; former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy, U.S. Department of Defense
01:30PM – 02:15PM
(Sept. 21) Reinventing National Security in the Era of COVID-19
General Joseph L. Votel
Former Commander, U.S. Central Command; President and CEO, Business Executives for National Security
Michèle Flournoy
Co-Founder and Managing Partner, WestExec Advisors; former CEO, CNAS; former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Moderated by: Peter Bergen
Vice President, Global Studies and Fellows, New America; Co-Director, Center on the Future of War; Professor of Practice, Arizona State University
02:15PM – 03:00PM
(Sept. 21) COVID-19 and Implications for the Defense Industrial Base
Susie Adams
Chief Technology Officer, Microsoft Federal
Erin Simpson, PhD
Director, Strategic Analysis, Northrop Grumman
Nicola Johnson
Vice President, Government Affairs and Strategic Communications, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.
Tressa Guenov
Principal, Policy and Strategic Engagement, Lockheed Martin
Moderated by: Peter W. Singer, PhD
Strategist & Senior Fellow, New America; Professor of Practice, Arizona State University
01:00PM – 03:15PM
Day Two – Sept. 22
01:00PM – 01:05PM
(Sept. 22) Welcome Remarks
James O’Brien
Senior Vice President, University Affairs and Chief of Staff to the President, Arizona State University
01:05PM – 01:50PM
(Sept. 22) How do we Combat Disinformation in the Age of COVID-19?
Lisa Guernsey
Director, Teaching, Learning, and Tech Program, New America
Daniel Rothenberg, PhD
Co-Director, Center on the Future of War; Professor of Practice, Arizona State University; Senior Fellow, New America
Samuel Visner
Director, National Cybersecurity FFRDC, MITRE Corporation; Former Chief, Signal Intelligence Programs, NSA
Brigadier General Richard E. Angle
Deputy Commanding General, Joint Special Operations Command
Moderated by: Nadya T. Bliss, PhD
Executive Director, Global Security Initiative, Arizona State University
01:50PM – 02:00PM
(Sept. 22) Pop-up – Burn-In: A Novel of the Real Robotic Revolution
Peter W. Singer, PhD
Strategist & Senior Fellow, New America; Professor of Practice, Arizona State University
02:00PM – 02:15PM
02:15PM – 03:15PM
(Sept. 22) As COVID-19 Spreads, What are the Implications for the United States and the World?
Michael T. Osterholm, PhD
Director, Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, University of Minnesota
Daniela Lamas, MD
National Fellow, New America; Pulmonary and Critical Care Doctor, Brigham & Women’s Hospital; Faculty, Harvard Medical School
George Poste, DVM, PhD
Chief Scientist, Complex Adaptive Systems Initiative; Regents’ Professor and Del E. Webb Chair in Health Innovation, Arizona State University
Helene Gayle, MD
President & CEO, Chicago Community Trust; Chair, New America; Member, Committee on Equitable Allocation of Vaccine for the Novel Coronavirus, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Moderated by: Peter Bergen
Vice President of Global Studies and Fellows, New America; Co-Director, Center on the Future of War; Professor of Practice, Arizona State University
12:30PM – 02:05PM
Day Three – Sept. 23
12:30PM – 12:35PM
(Sept. 23) Welcome Remarks
Carol Evans, PhD
Director, Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College
12:35PM – 01:00PM
(Sept. 23) Strategy in the Era of Coronavirus
Sir Lawrence Freedman
Emeritus Professor of War Studies, King’s College London; Author of The Future of War: A History and Strategy: A History
01:00PM – 01:10PM
(Sept. 23) Pop Up – So You Think You Can Improve U.S. Security? New Voices on New Policy Ideas
01:10PM – 01:20PM
(Sept. 23) Pop Up – How Does Chinese Espionage Work?
Mara Hvistendahl
Author, The Scientist and the Spy: A True Story of China, the FBI, and Industrial Espionage
01:20PM – 02:05PM
(Sept. 23) U.S.-China Relations Post COVID-19: Is Conflict Inevitable?
Samm Sacks
Cybersecurity Policy and China Digital Economy Fellow, New America
Randall G. Schriver
former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs
Moderated by: COL Frank Stanco
2019-2020 Chief of Staff of the Army Senior Fellow, New America
01:00PM – 03:00PM
Day Four – Sept. 24
01:00PM – 01:05PM
(Sept. 24) Welcome Remarks
Col. (ret) Isaiah (Ike) Wilson III, PhD
President, Joint Special Operations University; Fellow, International Security Program, New America
12:35PM – 01:05PM
(Sept. 24) The Wake-Up Call: Why the Pandemic Has Exposed the Weakness of the West, and How to Fix It
John Micklethwait
Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg; Co-Author, The Wake-Up Call
Adrian Wooldridge
Political Editor, The Economist; Co-Author, The Wake-Up Call
Moderated by: Heather Hurlburt
Director, New Models of Policy Change, New America
01:05PM – 01:10PM
(Sept. 24) Pop-up – Political Violence in the U.S.: What Does the Data Show?
David Sterman
Senior Policy Analyst, International Security Program, New America
01:10PM – 02:00PM
(Sept. 24) Far-Right Terrorism in the Age of COVID-19
Mia Bloom, PhD
Fellow, International Security Program, New America; Professor of Communication and Middle East Studies, Georgia State University
Dori Koren
Captain, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
Erin Cauchi
Investigative Journalist
Vidhya Ramalingam
Founder, Moonshot CVE
Co-Moderated by: Heather Hurlburt
Director, New Models of Policy Change, New America
Co-Moderated by: Javed Ali
Policymaker in Residence, Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan; Fellow, International Security Program, New America
02:00PM – 02:15PM
(Sept. 24) Pop-up – Deradicalization: Lessons From the Field
Muhammad Fraser-Rahim, PhD
Executive Director, North America, Quilliam International
Mohammed Khalid
02:15PM – 03:00PM
(Sept. 24) How is Proxy Warfare Reshaping the World?
Candace Rondeaux
Professor of Practice, School of Politics and Global Studies, Arizona State University; Senior Fellow, Center on the Future of War
Melissa Salyk-Virk
Senior Policy Analyst, International Security Program, New America
Alexandra Stark, PhD
Senior Researcher, Political Reform Program, New America
Frederic Wehrey, PhD
Senior Fellow, Middle East Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Moderated by: C. Anthony Pfaff, PhD
Research Professor, Strategic Studies Institute
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Future Security Forum 2020 Will be Held Online
The 2020 Future Security Forum will take place via Webex. If this is the first time you’ve joined a Webex event, you can download the Webex Meetings software here. You’ll use the same link to join each day of the conference, and we’ll share that link with registered attendees on Friday. The link will also be posted on the Future Security Forum conference page. If you need to leave the live event at any time, you can rejoin using the same link.
Click here for an instructional video on how to use Webex.
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Future Security Forum, online New America/Arizona State
Future Security Forum, online New America/Arizona State
About the Event
New America and Arizona State University invite you to join an online Future Security Forum, focused on reimagining national security in the age of COVID-19. Top policymakers, practitioners from government, the private sector, and academia will convene a four-day virtual forum to analyze and debate the most pressing global security issues of the 21st century.
Future Security Forum is one of the signature events of the Future of War project—a New America and Arizona State University partnership analyzing emerging global threats, new technological applications, and the changing nature of warfare in an increasingly interconnected world.
Future Security Forum 2020—Four-Day Virtual Program
September 21 – 12:10-3:00pm ET
How can more diverse views make us more secure?
Preparedness, resilience, and global energy security during the pandemic
Reinventing national security post-COVID-19
COVID-19 and implications for the defense industrial base
September 22 – 1:00-3:15pm ET
How do we combat disinformation in the age of the coronavirus?
Burn-In: A Novel of the Real Robotic Revolution
As the coronavirus spreads, what are the implications for the U.S. and the world?
September 23 – 12:30-2:05pm ET
Strategy in the era of coronavirus
So you think you can improve U.S. security? New voices on new policy ideas
How does Chinese espionage work?
U.S.-China relations post COVID-19: Is conflict inevitable?
September 24 – 12:30-3:00pm ET
Why the pandemic has exposed the weakness of the West, and how to fix it
Political violence in the United States: What does the data show?
Far-right terrorism in the age of COVID-19
Deradicalization: Lessons from the field
How is proxy warfare reshaping the world?
Additional information, including agenda times and speakers, can be found below.
Susie Adams
Chief Technology Officer, Microsoft Federal Sales
Javed Ali
Policymaker in Residence, Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan
Brigadier General Richard E. Angle
Deputy Commanding General, Joint Special Operations Command
Peter Bergen
Vice President, Global Studies & Fellows, New America; Co-Director, Center on the Future of War; Professor of Practice, ASU
Nadya T. Bliss, PhD
Executive Director, Global Security Initiative, Arizona State University; Senior Fellow, New America
Mia Bloom, PhD
Fellow, International Security, New America; Professor of Communication and Middle East Studies, Georgia State University
Sharon Burke
Director, Resource Security Program, New America; Senior Advisor, Future of War Project
Erin Cauchi
Investigative Journalist
Carol V. Evans, PhD
Director, Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College
Michèle Flournoy
Managing Partner, WestExec Advisors; former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Muhammad Fraser-Rahim, PhD
Executive Director, North America, Quilliam International
Sir Lawrence Freedman
Emeritus Professor of War Studies, King’s College London and Author of The Future of War: A History
Helene Gayle, MD
President & CEO, Chicago Community Trust; Chair, New America; Member, Cmte. on Equitable Allocation of Vaccine, NASEM
Tressa Guenov
Principal, Policy and Strategic Engagement, Lockheed Martin
Lisa Guernsey
Director, Teaching, Learning, and Tech Program, New America
Heather Hurlburt
Director, New Models of Policy Change, New America
Mara Hvistendahl
Author, The Scientist and the Spy: A True Story of China, the FBI, and Industrial Espionage
Ambassador Bonnie Jenkins
Founder and President of the Women of Color Advancing Peace, Security and Conflict Transformation
Nicola Johnson
Vice President, Government Affairs and Strategic Communications, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.
Mohammed Khalid
Information Systems, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Dori Koren
Captain, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
Daniela Lamas, MD
National Fellow, New America; Pulmonary and Critical Care Doctor, Brigham & Women’s Hospital; Faculty, Harvard Medical School
Kimberlyn Leary
Senior Vice President, Urban Institute, former Advisor to White House Council on Women
John Micklethwait
Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg
James O’Brien
Senior Vice President, University Affairs and Chief of Staff to President, Arizona State University
Michael T. Osterholm, PhD
Director, Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, University of Minnesota
C. Anthony Pfaff, PhD
Research Professor, Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College
George Poste, DVM, PhD
Del E. Webb Professor of Health Innovation and Chief Scientist, Complex Adaptive Systems Initiative, Arizona State University
Vidhya Ramalingam
Founder, Moonshot CVE
Arto Räty
Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs & Communications, Fortum
Candace Rondeaux
Professor of Practice, Arizona State University; Senior Fellow, Center on the Future of War
Daniel Rothenberg, PhD
Co-Director, Center on the Future of War; Professor of Practice, ASU; Senior Fellow, New America
Samm Sacks
Cybersecurity Policy and China Digital Economy Fellow, New America
Melissa Salyk-Virk
Senior Policy Analyst, International Security Program, New America
Randall G. Schriver
Former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs
Erin Simpson, PhD
Director, Strategic Planning, Corporate Analysis and Technology Center, Northrop Grumman
Peter W. Singer, PhD
Strategist & Senior Fellow, New America
Anne-Marie Slaughter, DPhil
CEO, New America
Colonel Frank Stanco
Chief of Staff of the Army Senior Fellow, New America
Alexandra Stark, PhD
Senior Researcher, Political Reform Program, New America
David Sterman
Senior Policy Analyst, International Security Program, New America
Samuel Visner
Director, National Cybersecurity FFRDC, MITRE Corporation; Former Chief of Signal Intelligence Programs, NSA
General Joseph L. Votel
Former Commander, U.S. Central Command; President and CEO, Business Executives for National Security
Frederic Wehrey, PhD
Senior Fellow, Middle East Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Col. Isaiah (Ike) Wilson III, PhD
Director, Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College
Adrian Wooldridge
Political Editor, The Economist
12:10PM – 03:00PM
Day One – Sept. 21
12:10PM – 12:15PM
(Sept. 21) Welcome Remarks
Anne-Marie Slaughter, DPhil
CEO, New America
12:15PM – 01:00PM
(Sept. 21) How Can More Diverse Views Make Us More Secure?
Ambassador Bonnie Jenkins
Founder and President of the Women of Color Advancing Peace, Security and Conflict Transformation
Kimberlyn Leary
Senior Vice President, Urban Institute, former Advisor to White House Council on Women, Fellow, International Security Program, New America; Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School and Faculty Affiliate at Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School
Col. (ret) Isaiah (Ike) Wilson III, PhD
President, Joint Special Operations University; Fellow, International Security Program, New America
Moderated by: Anne-Marie Slaughter, DPhil
CEO, New America
01:00PM – 01:30PM
(Sept. 21) Preparedness, Resilience, and Global Energy Security During the Pandemic
Arto Räty
Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs & Communications, Fortum; Former Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Defence of Finland; Former Director of National Defence Policy Unit
Sharon Burke
Senior Advisor, International Security and Resource Security, New America; former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy, U.S. Department of Defense
01:30PM – 02:15PM
(Sept. 21) Reinventing National Security in the Era of COVID-19
General Joseph L. Votel
Former Commander, U.S. Central Command; President and CEO, Business Executives for National Security
Michèle Flournoy
Co-Founder and Managing Partner, WestExec Advisors; former CEO, CNAS; former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Moderated by: Peter Bergen
Vice President, Global Studies and Fellows, New America; Co-Director, Center on the Future of War; Professor of Practice, Arizona State University
02:15PM – 03:00PM
(Sept. 21) COVID-19 and Implications for the Defense Industrial Base
Susie Adams
Chief Technology Officer, Microsoft Federal
Erin Simpson, PhD
Director, Strategic Analysis, Northrop Grumman
Nicola Johnson
Vice President, Government Affairs and Strategic Communications, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.
Tressa Guenov
Principal, Policy and Strategic Engagement, Lockheed Martin
Moderated by: Peter W. Singer, PhD
Strategist & Senior Fellow, New America; Professor of Practice, Arizona State University
01:00PM – 03:15PM
Day Two – Sept. 22
01:00PM – 01:05PM
(Sept. 22) Welcome Remarks
James O’Brien
Senior Vice President, University Affairs and Chief of Staff to the President, Arizona State University
01:05PM – 01:50PM
(Sept. 22) How do we Combat Disinformation in the Age of COVID-19?
Lisa Guernsey
Director, Teaching, Learning, and Tech Program, New America
Daniel Rothenberg, PhD
Co-Director, Center on the Future of War; Professor of Practice, Arizona State University; Senior Fellow, New America
Samuel Visner
Director, National Cybersecurity FFRDC, MITRE Corporation; Former Chief, Signal Intelligence Programs, NSA
Brigadier General Richard E. Angle
Deputy Commanding General, Joint Special Operations Command
Moderated by: Nadya T. Bliss, PhD
Executive Director, Global Security Initiative, Arizona State University
01:50PM – 02:00PM
(Sept. 22) Pop-up – Burn-In: A Novel of the Real Robotic Revolution
Peter W. Singer, PhD
Strategist & Senior Fellow, New America; Professor of Practice, Arizona State University
02:00PM – 02:15PM
02:15PM – 03:15PM
(Sept. 22) As COVID-19 Spreads, What are the Implications for the United States and the World?
Michael T. Osterholm, PhD
Director, Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, University of Minnesota
Daniela Lamas, MD
National Fellow, New America; Pulmonary and Critical Care Doctor, Brigham & Women’s Hospital; Faculty, Harvard Medical School
George Poste, DVM, PhD
Chief Scientist, Complex Adaptive Systems Initiative; Regents’ Professor and Del E. Webb Chair in Health Innovation, Arizona State University
Helene Gayle, MD
President & CEO, Chicago Community Trust; Chair, New America; Member, Committee on Equitable Allocation of Vaccine for the Novel Coronavirus, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Moderated by: Peter Bergen
Vice President of Global Studies and Fellows, New America; Co-Director, Center on the Future of War; Professor of Practice, Arizona State University
12:30PM – 02:05PM
Day Three – Sept. 23
12:30PM – 12:35PM
(Sept. 23) Welcome Remarks
Carol Evans, PhD
Director, Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College
12:35PM – 01:00PM
(Sept. 23) Strategy in the Era of Coronavirus
Sir Lawrence Freedman
Emeritus Professor of War Studies, King’s College London; Author of The Future of War: A History and Strategy: A History
01:00PM – 01:10PM
(Sept. 23) Pop Up – So You Think You Can Improve U.S. Security? New Voices on New Policy Ideas
01:10PM – 01:20PM
(Sept. 23) Pop Up – How Does Chinese Espionage Work?
Mara Hvistendahl
Author, The Scientist and the Spy: A True Story of China, the FBI, and Industrial Espionage
01:20PM – 02:05PM
(Sept. 23) U.S.-China Relations Post COVID-19: Is Conflict Inevitable?
Samm Sacks
Cybersecurity Policy and China Digital Economy Fellow, New America
Randall G. Schriver
former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs
Moderated by: COL Frank Stanco
2019-2020 Chief of Staff of the Army Senior Fellow, New America
01:00PM – 03:00PM
Day Four – Sept. 24
01:00PM – 01:05PM
(Sept. 24) Welcome Remarks
Col. (ret) Isaiah (Ike) Wilson III, PhD
President, Joint Special Operations University; Fellow, International Security Program, New America
12:35PM – 01:05PM
(Sept. 24) The Wake-Up Call: Why the Pandemic Has Exposed the Weakness of the West, and How to Fix It
John Micklethwait
Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg; Co-Author, The Wake-Up Call
Adrian Wooldridge
Political Editor, The Economist; Co-Author, The Wake-Up Call
Moderated by: Heather Hurlburt
Director, New Models of Policy Change, New America
01:05PM – 01:10PM
(Sept. 24) Pop-up – Political Violence in the U.S.: What Does the Data Show?
David Sterman
Senior Policy Analyst, International Security Program, New America
01:10PM – 02:00PM
(Sept. 24) Far-Right Terrorism in the Age of COVID-19
Mia Bloom, PhD
Fellow, International Security Program, New America; Professor of Communication and Middle East Studies, Georgia State University
Dori Koren
Captain, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
Erin Cauchi
Investigative Journalist
Vidhya Ramalingam
Founder, Moonshot CVE
Co-Moderated by: Heather Hurlburt
Director, New Models of Policy Change, New America
Co-Moderated by: Javed Ali
Policymaker in Residence, Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan; Fellow, International Security Program, New America
02:00PM – 02:15PM
(Sept. 24) Pop-up – Deradicalization: Lessons From the Field
Muhammad Fraser-Rahim, PhD
Executive Director, North America, Quilliam International
Mohammed Khalid
02:15PM – 03:00PM
(Sept. 24) How is Proxy Warfare Reshaping the World?
Candace Rondeaux
Professor of Practice, School of Politics and Global Studies, Arizona State University; Senior Fellow, Center on the Future of War
Melissa Salyk-Virk
Senior Policy Analyst, International Security Program, New America
Alexandra Stark, PhD
Senior Researcher, Political Reform Program, New America
Frederic Wehrey, PhD
Senior Fellow, Middle East Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Moderated by: C. Anthony Pfaff, PhD
Research Professor, Strategic Studies Institute
Sponsors & Partners
Conference Sponsors
With special recognition and gratitude to
Future Security Forum 2020 Will be Held Online
The 2020 Future Security Forum will take place via Webex. If this is the first time you’ve joined a Webex event, you can download the Webex Meetings software here. You’ll use the same link to join each day of the conference, and we’ll share that link with registered attendees on Friday. The link will also be posted on the Future Security Forum conference page. If you need to leave the live event at any time, you can rejoin using the same link.
Click here for an instructional video on how to use Webex.
If you are not able to join the event via Webex, you can also watch the Forum live on our YouTube channel. Videos from the conference will also be made available after the conference. If you have any questions or experience any difficulties joining the conference sessions, please email
Future Security Forum, online New America/Arizona State
About the Event
New America and Arizona State University invite you to join an online Future Security Forum, focused on reimagining national security in the age of COVID-19. Top policymakers, practitioners from government, the private sector, and academia will convene a four-day virtual forum to analyze and debate the most pressing global security issues of the 21st century.
Future Security Forum is one of the signature events of the Future of War project—a New America and Arizona State University partnership analyzing emerging global threats, new technological applications, and the changing nature of warfare in an increasingly interconnected world.
Future Security Forum 2020—Four-Day Virtual Program
September 21 – 12:10-3:00pm ET
How can more diverse views make us more secure?
Preparedness, resilience, and global energy security during the pandemic
Reinventing national security post-COVID-19
COVID-19 and implications for the defense industrial base
September 22 – 1:00-3:15pm ET
How do we combat disinformation in the age of the coronavirus?
Burn-In: A Novel of the Real Robotic Revolution
As the coronavirus spreads, what are the implications for the U.S. and the world?
September 23 – 12:30-2:05pm ET
Strategy in the era of coronavirus
So you think you can improve U.S. security? New voices on new policy ideas
How does Chinese espionage work?
U.S.-China relations post COVID-19: Is conflict inevitable?
September 24 – 12:30-3:00pm ET
Why the pandemic has exposed the weakness of the West, and how to fix it
Political violence in the United States: What does the data show?
Far-right terrorism in the age of COVID-19
Deradicalization: Lessons from the field
How is proxy warfare reshaping the world?
Additional information, including agenda times and speakers, can be found below.
Susie Adams
Chief Technology Officer, Microsoft Federal Sales
Javed Ali
Policymaker in Residence, Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan
Brigadier General Richard E. Angle
Deputy Commanding General, Joint Special Operations Command
Peter Bergen
Vice President, Global Studies & Fellows, New America; Co-Director, Center on the Future of War; Professor of Practice, ASU
Nadya T. Bliss, PhD
Executive Director, Global Security Initiative, Arizona State University; Senior Fellow, New America
Mia Bloom, PhD
Fellow, International Security, New America; Professor of Communication and Middle East Studies, Georgia State University
Sharon Burke
Director, Resource Security Program, New America; Senior Advisor, Future of War Project
Erin Cauchi
Investigative Journalist
Carol V. Evans, PhD
Director, Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College
Michèle Flournoy
Managing Partner, WestExec Advisors; former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Muhammad Fraser-Rahim, PhD
Executive Director, North America, Quilliam International
Sir Lawrence Freedman
Emeritus Professor of War Studies, King’s College London and Author of The Future of War: A History
Helene Gayle, MD
President & CEO, Chicago Community Trust; Chair, New America; Member, Cmte. on Equitable Allocation of Vaccine, NASEM
Tressa Guenov
Principal, Policy and Strategic Engagement, Lockheed Martin
Lisa Guernsey
Director, Teaching, Learning, and Tech Program, New America
Heather Hurlburt
Director, New Models of Policy Change, New America
Mara Hvistendahl
Author, The Scientist and the Spy: A True Story of China, the FBI, and Industrial Espionage
Ambassador Bonnie Jenkins
Founder and President of the Women of Color Advancing Peace, Security and Conflict Transformation
Nicola Johnson
Vice President, Government Affairs and Strategic Communications, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.
Mohammed Khalid
Information Systems, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Dori Koren
Captain, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
Daniela Lamas, MD
National Fellow, New America; Pulmonary and Critical Care Doctor, Brigham & Women’s Hospital; Faculty, Harvard Medical School
Kimberlyn Leary
Senior Vice President, Urban Institute, former Advisor to White House Council on Women
John Micklethwait
Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg
James O’Brien
Senior Vice President, University Affairs and Chief of Staff to President, Arizona State University
Michael T. Osterholm, PhD
Director, Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, University of Minnesota
C. Anthony Pfaff, PhD
Research Professor, Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College
George Poste, DVM, PhD
Del E. Webb Professor of Health Innovation and Chief Scientist, Complex Adaptive Systems Initiative, Arizona State University
Vidhya Ramalingam
Founder, Moonshot CVE
Arto Räty
Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs & Communications, Fortum
Candace Rondeaux
Professor of Practice, Arizona State University; Senior Fellow, Center on the Future of War
Daniel Rothenberg, PhD
Co-Director, Center on the Future of War; Professor of Practice, ASU; Senior Fellow, New America
Samm Sacks
Cybersecurity Policy and China Digital Economy Fellow, New America
Melissa Salyk-Virk
Senior Policy Analyst, International Security Program, New America
Randall G. Schriver
Former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs
Erin Simpson, PhD
Director, Strategic Planning, Corporate Analysis and Technology Center, Northrop Grumman
Peter W. Singer, PhD
Strategist & Senior Fellow, New America
Anne-Marie Slaughter, DPhil
CEO, New America
Colonel Frank Stanco
Chief of Staff of the Army Senior Fellow, New America
Alexandra Stark, PhD
Senior Researcher, Political Reform Program, New America
David Sterman
Senior Policy Analyst, International Security Program, New America
Samuel Visner
Director, National Cybersecurity FFRDC, MITRE Corporation; Former Chief of Signal Intelligence Programs, NSA
General Joseph L. Votel
Former Commander, U.S. Central Command; President and CEO, Business Executives for National Security
Frederic Wehrey, PhD
Senior Fellow, Middle East Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Col. Isaiah (Ike) Wilson III, PhD
Director, Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College
Adrian Wooldridge
Political Editor, The Economist
12:10PM – 03:00PM
Day One – Sept. 21
12:10PM – 12:15PM
(Sept. 21) Welcome Remarks
Anne-Marie Slaughter, DPhil
CEO, New America
12:15PM – 01:00PM
(Sept. 21) How Can More Diverse Views Make Us More Secure?
Ambassador Bonnie Jenkins
Founder and President of the Women of Color Advancing Peace, Security and Conflict Transformation
Kimberlyn Leary
Senior Vice President, Urban Institute, former Advisor to White House Council on Women, Fellow, International Security Program, New America; Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School and Faculty Affiliate at Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School
Col. (ret) Isaiah (Ike) Wilson III, PhD
President, Joint Special Operations University; Fellow, International Security Program, New America
Moderated by: Anne-Marie Slaughter, DPhil
CEO, New America
01:00PM – 01:30PM
(Sept. 21) Preparedness, Resilience, and Global Energy Security During the Pandemic
Arto Räty
Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs & Communications, Fortum; Former Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Defence of Finland; Former Director of National Defence Policy Unit
Sharon Burke
Senior Advisor, International Security and Resource Security, New America; former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy, U.S. Department of Defense
01:30PM – 02:15PM
(Sept. 21) Reinventing National Security in the Era of COVID-19
General Joseph L. Votel
Former Commander, U.S. Central Command; President and CEO, Business Executives for National Security
Michèle Flournoy
Co-Founder and Managing Partner, WestExec Advisors; former CEO, CNAS; former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Moderated by: Peter Bergen
Vice President, Global Studies and Fellows, New America; Co-Director, Center on the Future of War; Professor of Practice, Arizona State University
02:15PM – 03:00PM
(Sept. 21) COVID-19 and Implications for the Defense Industrial Base
Susie Adams
Chief Technology Officer, Microsoft Federal
Erin Simpson, PhD
Director, Strategic Analysis, Northrop Grumman
Nicola Johnson
Vice President, Government Affairs and Strategic Communications, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.
Tressa Guenov
Principal, Policy and Strategic Engagement, Lockheed Martin
Moderated by: Peter W. Singer, PhD
Strategist & Senior Fellow, New America; Professor of Practice, Arizona State University
01:00PM – 03:15PM
Day Two – Sept. 22
01:00PM – 01:05PM
(Sept. 22) Welcome Remarks
James O’Brien
Senior Vice President, University Affairs and Chief of Staff to the President, Arizona State University
01:05PM – 01:50PM
(Sept. 22) How do we Combat Disinformation in the Age of COVID-19?
Lisa Guernsey
Director, Teaching, Learning, and Tech Program, New America
Daniel Rothenberg, PhD
Co-Director, Center on the Future of War; Professor of Practice, Arizona State University; Senior Fellow, New America
Samuel Visner
Director, National Cybersecurity FFRDC, MITRE Corporation; Former Chief, Signal Intelligence Programs, NSA
Brigadier General Richard E. Angle
Deputy Commanding General, Joint Special Operations Command
Moderated by: Nadya T. Bliss, PhD
Executive Director, Global Security Initiative, Arizona State University
01:50PM – 02:00PM
(Sept. 22) Pop-up – Burn-In: A Novel of the Real Robotic Revolution
Peter W. Singer, PhD
Strategist & Senior Fellow, New America; Professor of Practice, Arizona State University
02:00PM – 02:15PM
02:15PM – 03:15PM
(Sept. 22) As COVID-19 Spreads, What are the Implications for the United States and the World?
Michael T. Osterholm, PhD
Director, Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, University of Minnesota
Daniela Lamas, MD
National Fellow, New America; Pulmonary and Critical Care Doctor, Brigham & Women’s Hospital; Faculty, Harvard Medical School
George Poste, DVM, PhD
Chief Scientist, Complex Adaptive Systems Initiative; Regents’ Professor and Del E. Webb Chair in Health Innovation, Arizona State University
Helene Gayle, MD
President & CEO, Chicago Community Trust; Chair, New America; Member, Committee on Equitable Allocation of Vaccine for the Novel Coronavirus, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Moderated by: Peter Bergen
Vice President of Global Studies and Fellows, New America; Co-Director, Center on the Future of War; Professor of Practice, Arizona State University
12:30PM – 02:05PM
Day Three – Sept. 23
12:30PM – 12:35PM
(Sept. 23) Welcome Remarks
Carol Evans, PhD
Director, Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College
12:35PM – 01:00PM
(Sept. 23) Strategy in the Era of Coronavirus
Sir Lawrence Freedman
Emeritus Professor of War Studies, King’s College London; Author of The Future of War: A History and Strategy: A History
01:00PM – 01:10PM
(Sept. 23) Pop Up – So You Think You Can Improve U.S. Security? New Voices on New Policy Ideas
01:10PM – 01:20PM
(Sept. 23) Pop Up – How Does Chinese Espionage Work?
Mara Hvistendahl
Author, The Scientist and the Spy: A True Story of China, the FBI, and Industrial Espionage
01:20PM – 02:05PM
(Sept. 23) U.S.-China Relations Post COVID-19: Is Conflict Inevitable?
Samm Sacks
Cybersecurity Policy and China Digital Economy Fellow, New America
Randall G. Schriver
former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs
Moderated by: COL Frank Stanco
2019-2020 Chief of Staff of the Army Senior Fellow, New America
01:00PM – 03:00PM
Day Four – Sept. 24
01:00PM – 01:05PM
(Sept. 24) Welcome Remarks
Col. (ret) Isaiah (Ike) Wilson III, PhD
President, Joint Special Operations University; Fellow, International Security Program, New America
12:35PM – 01:05PM
(Sept. 24) The Wake-Up Call: Why the Pandemic Has Exposed the Weakness of the West, and How to Fix It
John Micklethwait
Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg; Co-Author, The Wake-Up Call
Adrian Wooldridge
Political Editor, The Economist; Co-Author, The Wake-Up Call
Moderated by: Heather Hurlburt
Director, New Models of Policy Change, New America
01:05PM – 01:10PM
(Sept. 24) Pop-up – Political Violence in the U.S.: What Does the Data Show?
David Sterman
Senior Policy Analyst, International Security Program, New America
01:10PM – 02:00PM
(Sept. 24) Far-Right Terrorism in the Age of COVID-19
Mia Bloom, PhD
Fellow, International Security Program, New America; Professor of Communication and Middle East Studies, Georgia State University
Dori Koren
Captain, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
Erin Cauchi
Investigative Journalist
Vidhya Ramalingam
Founder, Moonshot CVE
Co-Moderated by: Heather Hurlburt
Director, New Models of Policy Change, New America
Co-Moderated by: Javed Ali
Policymaker in Residence, Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan; Fellow, International Security Program, New America
02:00PM – 02:15PM
(Sept. 24) Pop-up – Deradicalization: Lessons From the Field
Muhammad Fraser-Rahim, PhD
Executive Director, North America, Quilliam International
Mohammed Khalid
02:15PM – 03:00PM
(Sept. 24) How is Proxy Warfare Reshaping the World?
Candace Rondeaux
Professor of Practice, School of Politics and Global Studies, Arizona State University; Senior Fellow, Center on the Future of War
Melissa Salyk-Virk
Senior Policy Analyst, International Security Program, New America
Alexandra Stark, PhD
Senior Researcher, Political Reform Program, New America
Frederic Wehrey, PhD
Senior Fellow, Middle East Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Moderated by: C. Anthony Pfaff, PhD
Research Professor, Strategic Studies Institute
Sponsors & Partners
Conference Sponsors
With special recognition and gratitude to
Future Security Forum 2020 Will be Held Online
The 2020 Future Security Forum will take place via Webex. If this is the first time you’ve joined a Webex event, you can download the Webex Meetings software here. You’ll use the same link to join each day of the conference, and we’ll share that link with registered attendees on Friday. The link will also be posted on the Future Security Forum conference page. If you need to leave the live event at any time, you can rejoin using the same link.
Click here for an instructional video on how to use Webex.
If you are not able to join the event via Webex, you can also watch the Forum live on our YouTube channel. Videos from the conference will also be made available after the conference. If you have any questions or experience any difficulties joining the conference sessions, please email
About the Event
New America and Arizona State University invite you to join an online Future Security Forum, focused on reimagining national security in the age of COVID-19. Top policymakers, practitioners from government, the private sector, and academia will convene a four-day virtual forum to analyze and debate the most pressing global security issues of the 21st century.
Future Security Forum is one of the signature events of the Future of War project—a New America and Arizona State University partnership analyzing emerging global threats, new technological applications, and the changing nature of warfare in an increasingly interconnected world.
Future Security Forum 2020—Four-Day Virtual Program
September 21 – 12:10-3:00pm ET
How can more diverse views make us more secure?
Preparedness, resilience, and global energy security during the pandemic
Reinventing national security post-COVID-19
COVID-19 and implications for the defense industrial base
September 22 – 1:00-3:15pm ET
How do we combat disinformation in the age of the coronavirus?
Burn-In: A Novel of the Real Robotic Revolution
As the coronavirus spreads, what are the implications for the U.S. and the world?
September 23 – 12:30-2:05pm ET
Strategy in the era of coronavirus
So you think you can improve U.S. security? New voices on new policy ideas
How does Chinese espionage work?
U.S.-China relations post COVID-19: Is conflict inevitable?
September 24 – 12:30-3:00pm ET
Why the pandemic has exposed the weakness of the West, and how to fix it
Political violence in the United States: What does the data show?
Far-right terrorism in the age of COVID-19
Deradicalization: Lessons from the field
How is proxy warfare reshaping the world?
Additional information, including agenda times and speakers, can be found below.
Susie Adams
Chief Technology Officer, Microsoft Federal Sales
Javed Ali
Policymaker in Residence, Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan
Brigadier General Richard E. Angle
Deputy Commanding General, Joint Special Operations Command
Peter Bergen
Vice President, Global Studies & Fellows, New America; Co-Director, Center on the Future of War; Professor of Practice, ASU
Nadya T. Bliss, PhD
Executive Director, Global Security Initiative, Arizona State University; Senior Fellow, New America
Mia Bloom, PhD
Fellow, International Security, New America; Professor of Communication and Middle East Studies, Georgia State University
Sharon Burke
Director, Resource Security Program, New America; Senior Advisor, Future of War Project
Erin Cauchi
Investigative Journalist
Carol V. Evans, PhD
Director, Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College
Michèle Flournoy
Managing Partner, WestExec Advisors; former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Muhammad Fraser-Rahim, PhD
Executive Director, North America, Quilliam International
Sir Lawrence Freedman
Emeritus Professor of War Studies, King’s College London and Author of The Future of War: A History
Helene Gayle, MD
President & CEO, Chicago Community Trust; Chair, New America; Member, Cmte. on Equitable Allocation of Vaccine, NASEM
Tressa Guenov
Principal, Policy and Strategic Engagement, Lockheed Martin
Lisa Guernsey
Director, Teaching, Learning, and Tech Program, New America
Heather Hurlburt
Director, New Models of Policy Change, New America
Mara Hvistendahl
Author, The Scientist and the Spy: A True Story of China, the FBI, and Industrial Espionage
Ambassador Bonnie Jenkins
Founder and President of the Women of Color Advancing Peace, Security and Conflict Transformation
Nicola Johnson
Vice President, Government Affairs and Strategic Communications, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.
Mohammed Khalid
Information Systems, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Dori Koren
Captain, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
Daniela Lamas, MD
National Fellow, New America; Pulmonary and Critical Care Doctor, Brigham & Women’s Hospital; Faculty, Harvard Medical School
Kimberlyn Leary
Senior Vice President, Urban Institute, former Advisor to White House Council on Women
John Micklethwait
Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg
James O’Brien
Senior Vice President, University Affairs and Chief of Staff to President, Arizona State University
Michael T. Osterholm, PhD
Director, Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, University of Minnesota
C. Anthony Pfaff, PhD
Research Professor, Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College
George Poste, DVM, PhD
Del E. Webb Professor of Health Innovation and Chief Scientist, Complex Adaptive Systems Initiative, Arizona State University
Vidhya Ramalingam
Founder, Moonshot CVE
Arto Räty
Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs & Communications, Fortum
Candace Rondeaux
Professor of Practice, Arizona State University; Senior Fellow, Center on the Future of War
Daniel Rothenberg, PhD
Co-Director, Center on the Future of War; Professor of Practice, ASU; Senior Fellow, New America
Samm Sacks
Cybersecurity Policy and China Digital Economy Fellow, New America
Melissa Salyk-Virk
Senior Policy Analyst, International Security Program, New America
Randall G. Schriver
Former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs
Erin Simpson, PhD
Director, Strategic Planning, Corporate Analysis and Technology Center, Northrop Grumman
Peter W. Singer, PhD
Strategist & Senior Fellow, New America
Anne-Marie Slaughter, DPhil
CEO, New America
Colonel Frank Stanco
Chief of Staff of the Army Senior Fellow, New America
Alexandra Stark, PhD
Senior Researcher, Political Reform Program, New America
David Sterman
Senior Policy Analyst, International Security Program, New America
Samuel Visner
Director, National Cybersecurity FFRDC, MITRE Corporation; Former Chief of Signal Intelligence Programs, NSA
General Joseph L. Votel
Former Commander, U.S. Central Command; President and CEO, Business Executives for National Security
Frederic Wehrey, PhD
Senior Fellow, Middle East Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Col. Isaiah (Ike) Wilson III, PhD
Director, Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College
Adrian Wooldridge
Political Editor, The Economist
12:10PM – 03:00PM
Day One – Sept. 21
12:10PM – 12:15PM
(Sept. 21) Welcome Remarks
Anne-Marie Slaughter, DPhil
CEO, New America
12:15PM – 01:00PM
(Sept. 21) How Can More Diverse Views Make Us More Secure?
Ambassador Bonnie Jenkins
Founder and President of the Women of Color Advancing Peace, Security and Conflict Transformation
Kimberlyn Leary
Senior Vice President, Urban Institute, former Advisor to White House Council on Women, Fellow, International Security Program, New America; Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School and Faculty Affiliate at Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School
Col. (ret) Isaiah (Ike) Wilson III, PhD
President, Joint Special Operations University; Fellow, International Security Program, New America
Moderated by: Anne-Marie Slaughter, DPhil
CEO, New America
01:00PM – 01:30PM
(Sept. 21) Preparedness, Resilience, and Global Energy Security During the Pandemic
Arto Räty
Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs & Communications, Fortum; Former Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Defence of Finland; Former Director of National Defence Policy Unit
Sharon Burke
Senior Advisor, International Security and Resource Security, New America; former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy, U.S. Department of Defense
01:30PM – 02:15PM
(Sept. 21) Reinventing National Security in the Era of COVID-19
General Joseph L. Votel
Former Commander, U.S. Central Command; President and CEO, Business Executives for National Security
Michèle Flournoy
Co-Founder and Managing Partner, WestExec Advisors; former CEO, CNAS; former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Moderated by: Peter Bergen
Vice President, Global Studies and Fellows, New America; Co-Director, Center on the Future of War; Professor of Practice, Arizona State University
02:15PM – 03:00PM
(Sept. 21) COVID-19 and Implications for the Defense Industrial Base
Susie Adams
Chief Technology Officer, Microsoft Federal
Erin Simpson, PhD
Director, Strategic Analysis, Northrop Grumman
Nicola Johnson
Vice President, Government Affairs and Strategic Communications, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.
Tressa Guenov
Principal, Policy and Strategic Engagement, Lockheed Martin
Moderated by: Peter W. Singer, PhD
Strategist & Senior Fellow, New America; Professor of Practice, Arizona State University
01:00PM – 03:15PM
Day Two – Sept. 22
01:00PM – 01:05PM
(Sept. 22) Welcome Remarks
James O’Brien
Senior Vice President, University Affairs and Chief of Staff to the President, Arizona State University
01:05PM – 01:50PM
(Sept. 22) How do we Combat Disinformation in the Age of COVID-19?
Lisa Guernsey
Director, Teaching, Learning, and Tech Program, New America
Daniel Rothenberg, PhD
Co-Director, Center on the Future of War; Professor of Practice, Arizona State University; Senior Fellow, New America
Samuel Visner
Director, National Cybersecurity FFRDC, MITRE Corporation; Former Chief, Signal Intelligence Programs, NSA
Brigadier General Richard E. Angle
Deputy Commanding General, Joint Special Operations Command
Moderated by: Nadya T. Bliss, PhD
Executive Director, Global Security Initiative, Arizona State University
01:50PM – 02:00PM
(Sept. 22) Pop-up – Burn-In: A Novel of the Real Robotic Revolution
Peter W. Singer, PhD
Strategist & Senior Fellow, New America; Professor of Practice, Arizona State University
02:00PM – 02:15PM
02:15PM – 03:15PM
(Sept. 22) As COVID-19 Spreads, What are the Implications for the United States and the World?
Michael T. Osterholm, PhD
Director, Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, University of Minnesota
Daniela Lamas, MD
National Fellow, New America; Pulmonary and Critical Care Doctor, Brigham & Women’s Hospital; Faculty, Harvard Medical School
George Poste, DVM, PhD
Chief Scientist, Complex Adaptive Systems Initiative; Regents’ Professor and Del E. Webb Chair in Health Innovation, Arizona State University
Helene Gayle, MD
President & CEO, Chicago Community Trust; Chair, New America; Member, Committee on Equitable Allocation of Vaccine for the Novel Coronavirus, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Moderated by: Peter Bergen
Vice President of Global Studies and Fellows, New America; Co-Director, Center on the Future of War; Professor of Practice, Arizona State University
12:30PM – 02:05PM
Day Three – Sept. 23
12:30PM – 12:35PM
(Sept. 23) Welcome Remarks
Carol Evans, PhD
Director, Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College
12:35PM – 01:00PM
(Sept. 23) Strategy in the Era of Coronavirus
Sir Lawrence Freedman
Emeritus Professor of War Studies, King’s College London; Author of The Future of War: A History and Strategy: A History
01:00PM – 01:10PM
(Sept. 23) Pop Up – So You Think You Can Improve U.S. Security? New Voices on New Policy Ideas
01:10PM – 01:20PM
(Sept. 23) Pop Up – How Does Chinese Espionage Work?
Mara Hvistendahl
Author, The Scientist and the Spy: A True Story of China, the FBI, and Industrial Espionage
01:20PM – 02:05PM
(Sept. 23) U.S.-China Relations Post COVID-19: Is Conflict Inevitable?
Samm Sacks
Cybersecurity Policy and China Digital Economy Fellow, New America
Randall G. Schriver
former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs
Moderated by: COL Frank Stanco
2019-2020 Chief of Staff of the Army Senior Fellow, New America
01:00PM – 03:00PM
Day Four – Sept. 24
01:00PM – 01:05PM
(Sept. 24) Welcome Remarks
Col. (ret) Isaiah (Ike) Wilson III, PhD
President, Joint Special Operations University; Fellow, International Security Program, New America
12:35PM – 01:05PM
(Sept. 24) The Wake-Up Call: Why the Pandemic Has Exposed the Weakness of the West, and How to Fix It
John Micklethwait
Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg; Co-Author, The Wake-Up Call
Adrian Wooldridge
Political Editor, The Economist; Co-Author, The Wake-Up Call
Moderated by: Heather Hurlburt
Director, New Models of Policy Change, New America
01:05PM – 01:10PM
(Sept. 24) Pop-up – Political Violence in the U.S.: What Does the Data Show?
David Sterman
Senior Policy Analyst, International Security Program, New America
01:10PM – 02:00PM
(Sept. 24) Far-Right Terrorism in the Age of COVID-19
Mia Bloom, PhD
Fellow, International Security Program, New America; Professor of Communication and Middle East Studies, Georgia State University
Dori Koren
Captain, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
Erin Cauchi
Investigative Journalist
Vidhya Ramalingam
Founder, Moonshot CVE
Co-Moderated by: Heather Hurlburt
Director, New Models of Policy Change, New America
Co-Moderated by: Javed Ali
Policymaker in Residence, Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan; Fellow, International Security Program, New America
02:00PM – 02:15PM
(Sept. 24) Pop-up – Deradicalization: Lessons From the Field
Muhammad Fraser-Rahim, PhD
Executive Director, North America, Quilliam International
Mohammed Khalid
02:15PM – 03:00PM
(Sept. 24) How is Proxy Warfare Reshaping the World?
Candace Rondeaux
Professor of Practice, School of Politics and Global Studies, Arizona State University; Senior Fellow, Center on the Future of War
Melissa Salyk-Virk
Senior Policy Analyst, International Security Program, New America
Alexandra Stark, PhD
Senior Researcher, Political Reform Program, New America
Frederic Wehrey, PhD
Senior Fellow, Middle East Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Moderated by: C. Anthony Pfaff, PhD
Research Professor, Strategic Studies Institute
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Peter Bergen was the correspondent and a producer.
Why this Woodward book is devastating to Trump
Peter Bergen
“Peter Bergen is CNN’s national security analyst, a vice president at New America and a professor of practice at
Arizona State University. He is senior editor of the Coronavirus Daily Brief and author of the book “Trump and His Generals: The Cost of Chaos.” The opinions expressed in this commentary are his own. View more opinion on CNN.”
(CNN)”Rage” may be Bob Woodward’s most important book since “All the President’s Men,” in which he and Carl Bernstein laid out the history of Watergate.
It’s because of the tapes. President Donald Trump gave 18 on-the-record interviews for “Rage.” Woodward recorded almost all of them. In what we have heard so far, the President does an excellent job of hanging himself with his own rope.
The usual White House playbook to deny and denounce unflattering Trump stories can’t be used against “Rage,” because Trump himself, in his own voice, is the book’s main source.
Trump told Woodward, for instance, in early February, that he knew the coronavirus spreads through the air and is far more lethal than the flu. The public lies that contradict his private admissions to Woodward, his repeated dismissal of the seriousness of the virus and his cavalier disdain for masks have surely contributed to the American carnage that the virus has left in its wake, with millions infected and more than 190,000 dead.
Woodward’s earlier book about the Trump White House, “Fear,” was dismissed by Trump and his allies as fake, because so much of its material came from anonymous sources.
“Rage” is in a different category. Trump, who hadn’t spoken to Woodward for “Fear,” seemingly believed that if he could speak to Woodward frequently that he could charm and cajole the author into seeing the world as he does.
In “Rage” Woodward records a number of untethered-from-reality Trumpian claims such as that he has “done more for the Black community than any other president than Abraham Lincoln.” Woodward noted to Trump that it was Lyndon Johnson who had pushed through the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act that had, you know, prohibited employment discrimination on the grounds of race and had mandated additional school desegregation. Trump, who doesn’t readily absorb any facts that don’t fit his own heroic self-narrative, pushed back saying, “I have done a tremendous amount for the Black community. And honestly I’m not feeling the love.”
That much is certainly true; only 10% of Black voters support Trump.
The same hubris that led Trump to believe that Woodward would surely adopt a Trumpian view of the world if only he spent enough time interviewing the Great Leader –who has, for instance, done so much for Black Americans that their unemployment rate is now 13%–the President also applied to his delusional relationship with the North Korean dictator, Kim Jong Un, who Trump believed would surely give up his nuclear weapons by dint of his own personal presidential persuasion.
Woodward devotes a considerable number of pages to unpacking this particular fantasy since the White House gave him access to 27 of what Trump has described as “love letters” between Trump and Kim. Woodward writes that the tone of the letters is indeed akin to that between “suitors.” As is well known, Trump met with Kim three times in Singapore, Hanoi and at the DMZ between North and South Korea, but just like several US presidents before him Trump has not succeeded in getting North Korea to dismantle or even dial back its nuclear program.
“Rage” is interesting also for other reasons. Former Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and former Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats all spoke extensively to Woodward.
They, too, paint a damning picture of Trumpworld. Coats says of Trump, “To him a lie is not a lie. It’s just what he thinks. He doesn’t know the difference between the truth and a lie.”
Mattis observes, “I never cared much what Trump said…I didn’t get much guidance from him, generally, other than an occasional tweet.” This is an extraordinary claim for a secretary of defense to make about the Commander in Chief.
Tillerson said he found Trump’s son-in law Jared Kushner’s chummy dealings with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “nauseating to watch” and “stomach-churning.”
This raises a question: If Coats, Mattis and Tillerson all feel this way, why did they never band together, since by the account of Woodward’s book they all have a good relationship, and tell the public what they know about working for this President? Why did they save it all for Woodward?
Woodward reports that Coats and Mattis did indeed have a discussion of precisely this issue during a phone call on May 25, 2019, in which they both agreed there might come a time when they needed to publicly speak out. Mattis noted to Coats that Trump was “dangerous” and “unfit.”
And just over a year later Mattis did issue a blistering, public condemnation of Trump after peaceful protestors were violently dispersed outside the White House in June.
If there ever was a time for these senior former Trump cabinet officials — and anyone else who was (or still is) inside that chaotic White House — to tell us what we need to know about President Trump, surely now is the moment. If these officials indeed believe, as Woodward writes, that, “Trump is the wrong man for the job,” they need to tell us what made them decide that –and why so few of them have spoken up publicly before.
Trump’s stunning split with America’s military leaders
Opinion by Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst
Updated 10:41 PM ET, Tue September 8, 2020
Peter Bergen is CNN’s national security analyst, a vice president at New America and a professor of practice at Arizona State University. He is senior editor of the Coronavirus Daily Brief and author of the new book “Trump and His Generals: The Cost of Chaos.” The opinions expressed in this commentary are his own. View more opinion on CNN.
(CNN) President Trump loves the pomp of the military. He went to a military-style boarding school in New York, he has always pined for a big Kremlin-style military parade in the streets of Washington DC and when he came into office he appointed retired and serving generals to key positions in his cabinet, to a greater degree than any other modern president.
And yet he totally misses the whole point of what the military is about.
A political firestorm has erupted over Jeffrey Goldberg’s report in The Atlantic magazine, confirmed in part by CNN, that President Trump has denigrated fallen American service members as “suckers” and “losers.”
This also jibes with what I found during the three years I spent reporting my book, “Trump and His Generals: The Cost of Chaos.” While President Trump thrills to the ceremonial aspects of his role as commander in chief, he finds it very hard to empathize with or comprehend the ethic of self-sacrifice that is at the core of military service.
I reported on a meeting in the Oval Office during the summer of 2017 as the debate about whether or not to expand the US military presence in Afghanistan was roiling the White House. Attending the meeting was Gen. John Kelly, Trump’s then-homeland security chief, who had lost a son in Afghanistan, 29-year-old Marine 1st Lt. Robert Kelly, who was killed by a landmine in 2010.
In the meeting, Trump said in Kelly’s presence that the young American soldiers who had died in Afghanistan had died for a worthless cause. Trump said, according to a source with knowledge of the meeting, “We got our boys who are over there being blown up every day for what? For nothing. Guys are dying for nothing. There’s nothing worth dying for in that country.”
Did Trump not know that Kelly, who was one of his key cabinet members, had a son who died in Afghanistan? That seems out of the question since Trump had recently visited the grave of Robert Kelly in Arlington National Cemetery together with John Kelly on Memorial Day 2017. According to The Atlantic, Trump turned to John Kelly while at Arlington and said of the buried soldiers there, “I don’t get it. What was in it for them?” The White House has, of course, issued denials about the contents of The Atlantic report.
The lack of empathy for the sacrifice of others is evident in Trump’s treatment of NATO allies. The only time that NATO has invoked Article 5, the collective right to self-defense, was after al Qaeda’s attack on Trump’s hometown of New York City on September 11, 2001.
The subsequent war in Afghanistan was fought to a significant degree by NATO allies, who lost many hundreds of soldiers.
As of 2018, the total number of dead soldiers in Afghanistan from the United Kingdom was 455; from Canada, it was 158, from France, 86 and from Germany, 54.
Trump has rarely if ever mentioned these many hundreds of deaths by allied troops who died defending American interests. Instead he has repeatedly and publicly berated many NATO allies for not meeting a commitment that they will each spend at least 2% of their own GDP on defense spending by 2024. Trump falsely presents those NATO allies who haven’t met that target as yet, like Germany, as “owing” the US hundreds of billions of dollars.
Trump responded on Monday to criticism generated by the report in The Atlantic: “I’m not saying the military’s in love with me. The soldiers are. The top people in the Pentagon probably aren’t because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy.”
In fact, as I found when I was reporting “Trump and his Generals,” retired Marine Gen. Jim Mattis repeatedly slow rolled presenting military options to Trump for attacking either Iran or North Korea when Mattis was running the Pentagon as defense secretary for the first two years of the Trump administration. And, of course, it is Trump himself who has pressed for large-scale increases in US military spending.
Given how much that Trump surrounded himself with current and former general officers during the first half of his term, there is a surprising schism that has opened up between Trump and current and former leaders of the military.
To a degree that seems unprecedented in American history, many former senior leaders of the military have publicly taken some kind of stand against the policies and leadership of the sitting commander in chief. And even currently serving generals and admirals, who cannot openly rebuke America’s top elected official, have issued statements that implicitly distance themselves from Trump’s actions and statements.
New America, a research institution, has tracked public statements by current and former senior generals and admirals at or above the rank of three-star during the transition to the Trump administration and during its time in office. The institution found that 63 have made public statements critiquing Trump’s approaches to civil rights issues, while 56 have made public statements that take issue with Trump’s leadership in some manner. Sixteen have issued public statements that take issue with the Trump administration’s foreign policy.
Top active duty generals and admirals who can’t directly criticize Trump came forward to say they stood against racism after protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, on August 12, 2017, during which a far-right terrorist rammed a car into a crowd, killing Heather Heyer, a 32-year-old anti-white-nationalism protester. Trump later observed that there were “very fine people, on both sides” at the protests in Charlottesville.
Then-chief of staff of the army, Gen. Mark Milley, tweeted, “The Army doesn’t tolerate racism, extremism, or hatred in our ranks. It’s against our Values and everything we’ve stood for since 1775.” Presenting a united front, the service chiefs of the US Air Force, Marines, National Guard, and Navy all issued similar public statements condemning extremism and racism.
After peaceful protesters were violently dispersed outside the White House in June following the death of George Floyd in police custody, all of the US service chiefs issued a public statement endorsing the rights for Americans to enjoy “freedom of speech and peaceful assembly.”
Trump, whose only extended exposure to the military before serving as commander in chief was attending his military-style boarding school, now finds himself in conflict with the military he claims to admire so much.