Wednesday, December, 14, 2022

The Arc of a Covenant: The U.S., Israel, and the Fate of the Jewish People, Walter Russell Mead online EVENT

[ONLINE] – The Arc of a Covenant: The U.S., Israel, and the Fate of the Jewish People

In his new book, The Arc of a Covenant: The United States, Israel, and the Fate of the Jewish People, Walter Russell Mead examines the roots of the U.S.-Israel relationship. Mead tracks how Zionism has always been a divisive subject in the American Jewish community, and argues that Christians have often been the most fervent supporters of a Jewish state. He also spotlights the almost forgotten story of left-wing support for Zionism, and contends that Stalin’s influence was more decisive than Truman’s in Israel’s struggle for independence. Mead also tracks how Israel’s rise in the Middle East helped kindle both the modern evangelical movement and the Sunbelt coalition that carried Reagan into the White House.

To discuss his new book, New America welcomes Walter Russell Mead, James Clark Chace Professor of Foreign Affairs and Humanities at Bard College, Ravenel B. Curry III Distinguished Fellow in Strategy and Statesmanship at Hudson Institute, and the Global View columnist at The Wall Street Journal. He is also a co-founder and board member emeritus of New America.

Join the conversation online using #ArcofCovenant and following @NewAmericaISP.


Walter Russell Mead, @wrmead
Author, The Arc of a Covenant
Professor of Foreign Affairs and Humanities, Bard College
Ravenel B. Curry II Distinguished Fellow, Hudson Institute
Co-Founder, New America


Peter Bergen, @PeterBergenCNN
Vice President for Global Studies and Fellows, New America
Professor of Practice, ASU